Weather Alerts: Warnings, Watches and … hyatt beach key west It will automatically update every 15 minutes. As severe weather or blizzards threaten, this database scrapes power outage information from more than 1,000 companies nationwide. National grid ri power outage map mean WebOFF THE GRID: Power Outage Tracker. To report an outage online to National Grid, click here. For National Grid, residents can report an outage by calling 1-80. Click here to report an outage online to Eversource. Massachusetts residents can report power outage to Eversource by calling 1-80 (Eastern Mass.) or 87 (Western Mass.).National grid ri power outage map mean Outage Reporting - National Grid National Grid has restored power to more than 31,400 customers in Rhode Island and 20,700 Massachusetts since the storm’s impact began this morning.OFF THE GRID: United States and Indiana Power Outage Tracker